Town of Bath

Town of Wiscasset

Quoddy Lighthouse. This is the eastern most point in the USA. If it wasn't so foggy, i would have been the first person to see the sun rise in the entire US that day. Incidentally, as it was my birthday this would have been a pretty good present for myself...stupid fog.

Portland Head Lighthouse. This is certainly one of the most photographed lighthouses in Maine, and you can see why. I took about 2 hours to photograph this as the environment kept changing. I had to reshoot the images 3 times for the different looks. The mosquitoes feasted on me that night.

All in all, an amazing trip. I drove most of Route 1 (picked it up in Portland and went as far north as it could take me). I saw the small town charm thanks to Wiscasset. Even had a pleasant chat with a local lady who informed me about Quoddy and a few other places worth my time. The food was nothing short of spectacular, and now that i am home, i can't bring myself to eat seafood.
Follow up post will include the panoramic pictures which need to be stitched together yet and the images from Niagara Falls. Stay tuned. =]
1 comment:
what a great trip! photos are gorgeous as usual!
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