I headed into Maine for a two day stint after attending an amazing wedding for a dear friend in Connecticut. I drove into Portland without a thought or care where to go from there. After deciding Portland is a gorgeous city with a good stream of "big city" traffic, i realized i wanted to experience more small town charm. I started driving up Route 1 (the coastal highway) and arrived in a small town called Bath. I was taking some pictures of buildings and architecture in the surrounding area when a very friendly, but very large man in a security uniform stopped to inform me i was photographing a Navy-contracted facility and pictures were prohibited. Such is life these days. After complying to erase the images, i inquired as to which little towns he thought would provide the "charm" i so desired. He made a few recommendations and i was on my merry way, kinda...getting turned around and missing the signs to point me in the appropriate direction seemed to be my mantra for this trip. Honestly, this couldn't have worked out any better, as it provided sights and experiences i wouldn't have normally had. If you fancy a trip to this part of the country, get lost, take wrong turns, lose your map and yourself. Seems to be the best way to find yourself.
Town of Bath

Town of Wiscasset

Penobscot Bridge

Quoddy Lighthouse. This is the eastern most point in the USA. If it wasn't so foggy, i would have been the first person to see the sun rise in the entire US that day. Incidentally, as it was my birthday this would have been a pretty good present for myself...stupid fog.

Rogue's Bluff State Park

Bar Harbor

All in all, an amazing trip. I drove most of Route 1 (picked it up in Portland and went as far north as it could take me). I saw the small town charm thanks to Wiscasset. Even had a pleasant chat with a local lady who informed me about Quoddy and a few other places worth my time. The food was nothing short of spectacular, and now that i am home, i can't bring myself to eat seafood.
Follow up post will include the panoramic pictures which need to be stitched together yet and the images from Niagara Falls. Stay tuned. =]